One of the principles of the Suzuki method is that every child has great ability. It is your own focus and dedication which will enable your child to fulfill on this potential.

Some parents may enter lessons thinking, “I will see if my child likes it,” or, “We’ll give this a try and see if she maintains her interest.” Children perceive this as placing less importance on musical study and tend to reduce their efforts correspondingly, resulting in a lower level of accomplishment. This may become a source of disappointment or perceived failure; many of these students will say, years later, “I played violin for awhile but I wasn’t very good.”

On the other hand, when you commit fully to empowering your child’s study, your child will put forth their own best effort, and you are committing your own focus, organization, and creativity.

When passion and hard work come together, excellent results arise … and passion follows. Years from now, as your child reaches impressive skill and artistry, they will also have character strengths including focus,  patience, attention to detail, perseverance, problem-solving, and an appreciation for beauty. These inner capacities prepare students to excel in any discipline.

We request that you begin with the intention that your child will love what they do and achieve at the highest level. This will create the conditions for you both to discover what is truly possible.