In Shinichi Suzuki’s day, high-level music performance was available only to a few fortunate children whose families could afford a daily tutor. Suzuki had the revolutionary idea that every child has extraordinary ability, and that with a caring and dedicated parent, children can achieve great things. Some of the qualities of an excellent Suzuki parent include the following:

  • Practice with your child every day, even if it is just for a few minutes. Try to choose a time that fits well into your family’s routine, and keep the same time each day as much as you can. Apply the same consistency as you do with mealtime, brushing teeth, and bedtime.
  • Make practice time special. We live in the age of distraction. Violin practice is a wonderful opportunity to create a time that you and your child treasure together. Please turn off your phone and make sure that other family members are taken care of so you can give your child your whole-hearted attention.
  • Appreciate and nurture the many aspects of character development that attend musical study. Violin training asks your child to develop mental discipline, imagination, concentration, problem-solving, leadership, self-confidence, sensitivity, and many other inner capacities. When challenges arise during practice, use these as opportunities to provide the “deep parenting” that increases your child’s self-knowledge and enhances their emotional self-regulation and well-being.
  • Honor your child’s learning process, even as you strive towards each goal. Even mature players cannot concentrate on many details simultaneously … and your child’s brain is actively in development. Strive for excellence, but also stay relaxed and trust the process.
  • Respect and listening to your child. Find a balance between taking charge and allowing your child to exercise choice and leadership. They will more willingly follow your observations and suggestions if you express openness to theirs.
  • Be willing to learn. It’s okay if you don’t have a musical background. In many ways this is actually an advantage! You just have to be willing to learn, work hard, and share your love of music with your child.

If you are ready to be a Suzuki parent, please continue to the next page!